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アーユルヴェーダで得られる「効果」とは? 健康・美容における効能

What are the “effects” obtained with Ayurveda? Efficacy in health and beauty

In Ayurveda, it is believed that the cause of disease is clogging of organs, etc., and that diseases can be cured by clearing the clogging. This is a very clear theory, and it also matches our Ichiban Life theory of aging and rejuvenation based on modern science.

This time, we will explain in detail the various Ayurvedic treatments for health and beauty that can be obtained by practicing Ayurveda.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the science of longevity.

Achieving a long and healthy life requires a balanced and symmetrical behavior and lifestyle for the whole person. Eating habits and lifestyle habits that lead to improving your constitution, changing your personality, and controlling your emotions are also beneficial.

Although the maximum lifespan of an animal species is largely determined genetically, it is within a specific living environment and is greatly influenced by fluctuations in the internal and external environment. In fact, it is difficult to predict the lifespan of animals because of the large acquired effects.

Even in humans, the influence of environmental factors is far greater than that of genetic factors. Historically, yogis, Taoist ascetics, and practitioners of Buddhist medicine have lived well over 100 years old, and even up to around 200 years old.

Their characteristics are that they eat a coarse diet consisting mainly of vegetables, take care of their mental health through meditation and other methods of unifying their minds, and engage in moderate exercise on a daily basis. Like long-lived animals, they live a life that does not accumulate waste products and internal toxins that cause aging diseases.

In ancient India,

  • Dharma (social norms)
  • Alta (property)
  • Kama (sexual love)

These were considered to be the three major purposes of life, and the ideal was to live a family life while fulfilling these goals and leave behind good offspring. Liberation from earthly desires, the ultimate goal of Indian philosophers and religious figures, requires strict precepts and penance, and is alien to the general public.

The foundation of a happy life is good health and longevity. Therefore, Ayurveda can be said to be a manual for living a happy life.

For the general public, the main ingredients of a happy life include longevity, good health, wealth, family prosperity, and improved aesthetic appearance. There is no need for the ascetic thoughts and actions that are idealized in Indian society.

However, a lifestyle appropriate to one's age (the four periods of life) is also beneficial in terms of health and longevity. In India, a society that values ​​peace, friendship, and pleasure, attractive appearance and manners are important factors.

From the perspective of systemic medicine, health and longevity and aesthetic appearance are two sides of the same coin. Therefore, Ayurveda offers a variety of herbal preparations and treatments in the beauty field as well.

Ayurvedic treatment

Ayurveda is a holistic health science that offers a variety of treatments for both disease prevention and treatment.

Ayurveda has used "herbal preparations" in a variety of treatments since its beginning, but their importance has grown over time.

The primary purpose of herbal preparations is to cleanse the body rather than treat the diseased area. Ayurveda believes that the main cause of aging and disease is the accumulation of waste products and biological toxins that block the biological passageways (srotas). Therefore, the disease is called āmāya (meaning āmā origin).

Western medicine is aimed at symptomatic treatment of the diseased area. It does not lead to fundamental healing.

The active ingredients of herbs control biological reactions and improve their balance. It also has a powerful internal purifying and lubricating effect, which promotes the discharge of waste products and toxins from the body.

Through these actions, herbal preparations remove the cause of illness and aid in fundamental healing through natural healing power.

Ayurveda aims at managing the health of the whole body. Healthy longevity and improved beauty come from good mental and physical health, and the two are closely related. Therefore, beauty enhancement and disease treatment treatments overlap, and both emphasize internal cleansing.

True beauty, health and longevity cannot be achieved by Western medicine alone, which does not recognize the effectiveness of biological cleansing. For example, it is believed that beauty, health, and longevity cannot be achieved by using simple chemicals.

Ayurvedic treatments are characterized by the widespread use of internal cleansing methods based on extensive experience and deep insight. The basic method of purifying the body is Panchakarma (nasal spray method, vomiting method, laxative method, enema method, bloodletting method). This is a method of injecting medicated oil into the body and directly expelling toxins from the body.

Indirect purification methods include using medicinal herbal oils, herbal pastes, and herbal decoctions in various ways to penetrate the body through the skin and flush out toxins from the body through the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. At a glance, there are more than 25 types of treatments used to improve beauty and health.

Benefits of Ayurveda: Health Edition

Ayurveda is a system of whole-body medicine that treats everything equally, including the prevention and treatment of diseases, maintenance of health, and improvement and enhancement of beauty. We do not make a particular distinction between health and beauty, so many treatment methods are effective for both health and beauty.

Ayurveda believes that external beauty is a reflection of the health of internal organs. With the arrival of an aging society, health and longevity have become a top concern.

Treatments that are beneficial for a long and healthy life include internal cleansing and the intake of herbal preparations. Herbal preparations activate cells in tissues and organs, helping to improve biological functions and optimize balance.

It also improves dosha balance. The main body cleansing method is oil massage. Here, we will introduce typical herbal preparations and purification methods for the purpose of healthy longevity.

Effect : Healthy longevity

The ultimate goal of Ayurvedic treatments is health and longevity. It is no exaggeration to say that all treatments are for this purpose.

Internal cleansing methods such as panchakarma and oil massage are preliminary treatments, but the core of this treatment is herbal preparations for a long and healthy life. It achieves anti-aging and rejuvenation through detoxification, improving constitution, and activating biological functions.

Many longevity recipes have been devised, but our company has selected the following three types of Rasayana (rejuvenation) formulations and offers improved products for the Japanese market.

  • Chabanarista
  • Shanjivani Rasayana
  • Triphala

All of these are traditional recipes that have been known since ancient times, and based on various research results, it is estimated that they have a healthy lifespan of 120 years. Classical medical texts contain recipes that make it possible to live for hundreds of years, but the data is still lacking.

Effect : Internal cleansing

Many Ayurvedic treatments are methods for purifying toxins in the body, and have a wide range of effects on disease treatment, health, beauty, etc.

Medicinal oils, decoctions, medicinal pastes, medicinal powders, etc. are applied to all or part of the body, and various procedures are used to infiltrate the drug into the body. The active ingredients of the herb elute internal toxins from the local area, and the dissolved toxins are discharged from the body through blood vessels and lymphatic vessels.

Authentic treatment methods include:

  • Abhyanga (full body oil massage)
  • Kashaya basti (decoction enema)
  • Sneha basti (medicinal oil enema)
  • Nasuya (nasal drop method)
  • Basti (enema method)
  • Vamana (emetic method)
  • Virechana (purgative method)

Effect 3 : Pain relief

Pain is a warning of disease or disorder.

When something goes wrong in the body, it triggers an inflammatory response. The inflammatory response is the first healing response to disease and is also a protective response against pathogens.

In addition, pain inhibits normal behavior and interferes with daily life. Therefore, Ayurveda offers various pain relief methods.

Representative examples include:

  • Abhyanga (full body oil massage)
  • Kiri (herb ball)
  • Kati Basti (back cleansing)
  • Kashaya basti (decoction enema)
  • Janu Basti (knee joint purification)
  • Sneha basti (medicinal oil enema)

Effect : Improved mental health

Purifying the head and body is effective in improving mental health (stress, depression/anxiety, insomnia, dementia).

These occur because of the accumulation of impurities and toxins, especially in the head. Typical treatments include:

  • Kashayadhara (herbal liquid dripping)
  • Kshieldhara (medicinal milk dripping)
  • Shirodara (forehead oil drooping)
  • Takladara (buttermilk dripping)
  • Tarapochitil (head paste massage)
  • Nasuya (nasal drop method)
  • Padabhyanga (foot oil massage)
  • Pirichiri (warm oil cloth compression method)

Effect : Improves paralysis

Paralysis is a sequela of nerve damage or dysfunction resulting from a disorder.

Although it is a sequela of the disease that interferes with daily life, there is no appropriate treatment in Western medicine. There are cases of lower body paralysis and hemiplegia of unknown cause, and Ayurvedic treatments are effective for these incurable diseases.

Representative examples include:

  • Abhyanga (full body oil massage)
  • Udvarthana (Medicated oil upward massage)
  • Kashaya basti (decoction enema)
  • Kiri (herb ball)
  • Sneha basti (medicinal oil enema)
  • Nasuya (nasal drop method)
  • Padabhyanga (foot oil massage)
  • Pirichiri (warm oil cloth compression method)

Effect : Improvement and enhancement of immune function

The effects of Ayurvedic treatments include improving or increasing immune function. This is because it is beneficial for balancing the functions of the whole body and maintaining homeostasis.

Most procedures are beneficial for normalizing immune function, but the following are particularly beneficial:

  • Abhyanga (full body oil massage)
  • Shirodara (forehead oil drooping)
  • Takladara (buttermilk dripping)
  • Nasuya (nasal drop method)
  • Pirichiri (warm oil cloth compression method)

Effect : Improvement of organ diseases

Ayurveda has herbal preparations that are effective against diseases of various organs.

Herbal preparations have the effect of symptomatic treatment, improving the dysfunction of the diseased area. Purification therapy is just as effective as these herbal preparations. This is because organ disease occurs when ama (internal toxins and undigested substances) blocks the circulation channels within the body.

For head diseases:

  • Shiro Abhyanga (head massage)
  • Nasuya (nasal drop method)
  • Netratarpana (nourishing the eyes)

For digestive disorders:

  • Kashaya basti (decoction enema)
  • Sneha basti (medicinal oil enema)
  • Padabhyanga (foot oil massage)
  • Vamana (emetic method)
  • Virechana (purgative method)

For lumbar spine diseases:

  • Kati Basti (back cleansing)
  • Kiri (herb ball)
  • Spine basti (spinal cleansing)

For neck diseases:

  • Griva Basti (neck cleansing)

For the knee joint:

  • Kiri (herb ball)
  • Janu Basti (knee joint purification)

For respiratory diseases:

  • Nasuya (nasal drop method)
  • Padabhyanga (foot oil massage)

are each beneficial.

Effect : Inhibition of cancer cell proliferation and induction of cell death

Cancer treatment has been a concern of Ayurveda since ancient times.

Over 100 anti-cancer herbs, including ashwagandha, have been shown to be effective in clinical trials. Herbal preparations that combine anticancer herbs are also known.

Purification therapy is effective in cancer treatment because it increases immune function and natural healing power. However, the most important function of herbal preparations is to inhibit cancer cell proliferation and induce cell death.

Research into the detailed mechanisms of action of anticancer herbs has only just begun. We are working hard to develop herbal recipes that kill all cancer cells without side effects, using modern scientific knowledge of cancer biology.

Benefits of Ayurveda: Beauty Edition

Even in an aging society, maintaining beauty has become a concern for middle-aged and elderly men and women.

Ayurveda is about whole body beauty and overlaps with the health and longevity method. Because beauty reflects the health of the tissues and organs in the body, especially the liver.

Purification methods from the surface of the body act directly on the skin, so they have a particularly great effect on skin beauty. Here, we will introduce how Ayurvedic purification methods can have unexpected beauty effects.

Effect 1 : Beautiful skin (wrinkles, spots, shine)

Ayurvedic purification methods include methods of injecting drugs into the body and methods of penetrating them from the surface of the body. Cleansing methods from the surface of the body act directly on the skin, so they have the strongest effect on the entire skin. It has effects such as skin purification, nutrition, moisturizing, and cell activation, all of which are beneficial for skin regeneration.

Ayurvedic purification treatments are the surest way to regenerate beautiful skin by eliminating spots and wrinkles, improving whitening and luster. Typical examples include:

  • Abhyanga (full body oil massage)
  • Udvarthana (Medicated oil upward massage)
  • Ubutan (herbal powder application)
  • Kashayadhara (herbal liquid dripping)
  • Soundarya (full body oil massage & nutritional paste application)
  • Shringara (full body oil massage & polishing with paste)
  • Tarapochitil (head paste massage)
  • Mukarepa (face pack)

Effect : Beautiful hair & hair growth

When you think of hair care, many people probably think of hair growth products. However, the effects of commercially available hair restorers (medicinal and quasi-drug products) are insufficient. Hair loss and hair thinning are symptoms of aging of the scalp, and hair regeneration requires rejuvenation of the scalp and hair roots.

We have developed a hair growth agent (scalp serum) that rejuvenates the scalp and hair roots, and have demonstrated remarkable effects.

Hair formation is also affected by your constitution and the scalp environment of the hair roots (scalp temperature, blood circulation, nutrition, etc.). Therefore, Ayurvedic purification treatments promote hair formation.

Some effective methods include:

  • Kashayadhara (herbal liquid dripping)
  • Kshieldhara (medicinal milk dripping)
  • Shiro Abhyanga (head massage)
  • Shirodara (forehead oil drooping)
  • Takladara (buttermilk dripping)
  • Tarapochitil (head paste massage)

Effect : Eye care

*Eye diseases and visual acuity improvement or improvement are included in the health field, but eye power is also related to appearance, so it has been included in the beauty field.

Improving and improving visual acuity is an area that Western medicine cannot address. In fact, visual impairment is often due to damage to the optic nerve in addition to the structure of the eyeball.

Head cleansing is ideal for strengthening and improving nerve function. Therefore, head cleansing is beneficial for improving vision. Representative examples include:

  • Shiro Abhyanga (head massage)
  • Nasuya (nasal drop method)
  • Netratarpana (nourishing the eyes)
  • Padabhyanga (foot oil massage)

Effect : Weight loss

In general, excessive obesity is considered to be a breeding ground for adult diseases and is also bad for beauty. It is best to control your weight through proper diet.

Ayurveda recommends moderate fasting (e.g. one day a week) to promote internal cleansing. There are many people in the world who want to maintain their body shape while enjoying gourmet food. Cleansing treatments are effective in eliminating toxins and excess body fat, and are also beneficial for weight loss.

Typical examples include:

  • Abhyanga (full body oil massage)
  • Udvarthana (Medicated oil upward massage)
  • Kashaya basti (decoction enema)
  • Kiri (herb ball)

Effect : Maintain and improve body shape

The most important element in beauty is youthful style. No matter how much effort you put into your makeup and clothes, if your basic body shape is out of shape, the effect will be halved. On the other hand, if you have good style, you can look good no matter what clothes you wear.

The best way to maintain or improve your body shape is through internal cleansing. Typical examples include:

  • Abhyanga (full body oil massage)
  • Kashaya basti (decoction enema)
  • Sneha basti (medicinal oil enema)
  • Basti (enema method)
  • Vamana (emetic method)
  • Virechana (purgative method)

Yoga, which is a branch of Ayurveda, is also effective. In recent years, many methods have been developed for the purpose of beauty and health. Incorporating yoga into your daily routine is beneficial for your overall beauty, health, and longevity.

Why can Ayurveda be effective?

Next, we will discuss the reasons why Ayurveda can be expected to have solid effects on beauty, health, and longevity. The main reason is that Ayurveda has its origins in the ancient and advanced Indian civilization.

The ancient civilization of India, centered on the Sankhya philosophy, is said to have been far more advanced than modern scientific civilization. Advanced scientific technologies are being discovered in fields such as astronomy, physical chemistry, industry, and medicine.

Ayurvedic disease theory and treatment methods are considered to have inherited this heritage, and this scientific attitude has led to the dramatic development of herbal utilization. Tens of thousands of herbs have been investigated, and more than 1,000 medicinal herbs have been registered. This is due to India's rich vegetation, long hours and great patience, and extensive clinical trials.

Ayurveda is a science that pursues a happy life.

  • A holistic view of life
  • Analyticalism of matter and life
  • Rigorous evaluation of effectiveness
  • attitude of abhorring side effects
  • Deep insights unique to Indian culture

have developed effective disease theories and treatments over a long history.

The essence of these is a method for improving and maintaining the balance of biological functions and a method for purifying the body. The purification treatment introduced here is an exclusive patent of Ayurveda. It is believed that the cause of illness is garbage clogging in organs, etc., and that the disease can be cured by clearing the garbage blockage. It's a very clear theory.

Our research has also demonstrated that the main cause of aging and adult diseases is the accumulation of waste products and toxins in the body. This is completely consistent with the Ayurvedic theory of garbage clogging.

Many of Ayurveda's valuable texts and medical texts have been lost and only a few remain. Like the vast Buddhist scriptures, India is home to many diverse historical documents. However, during the colonial era of the British Empire, Ayurveda was subjected to unjustified persecution and most of it was discarded.

After independence from the British Empire, the governments of India and Bangladesh established specialized universities to revive and revitalize Ayurveda. On the other hand, Western medicine has its origins in Ayurveda, which was introduced to Greece, but the only legacy it has inherited is simple disease theory.

Modern medicine only has a history of about 80 years since the discovery of penicillin. Since then, only medical treatments using simple chemicals have sprouted.

In recent years, surgical techniques have advanced significantly due to dramatic advances in science and technology. Nowadays, integrative medicine that combines the benefits of Ayurveda and modern medicine is desired.


The three main purposes of life in India are ``social norms,'' ``financial power,'' and ``sexual love.'' The foundation of these is health and longevity, and Ayurveda is a manual for living a happy life.

On the other hand, in order to achieve liberation from earthly desires, religious people and intellectuals are required to live a life of ``gourmet food,'' ``pleasure,'' and ``an ascetic life free from wealth.'' Ayurveda seems to encourage these four balanced ways of living in order to pursue a happy life.

Many people seek health and longevity, and this is a natural instinct of living beings. And beauty is part of that.

Practicing Ayurveda and leading a fulfilling life both physically and mentally is nothing but self-fulfillment and social contribution. We hope that the content introduced here will help you understand the theory and practice of Ayurveda correctly.

We sell products related to Ayurveda here. If you are interested in beauty, health, and longevity, please check it out.
